
Forced change
April 28, 2011, 3:01 pm
Filed under: family, ideas, kids, life, work | Tags: , , , ,

“Forced change is good” said an old colleague.  And he’s right.  Finally, my company’s acquisition led to job elimination and as it turns out, I already have a job!  I’m staying home to be “Mommy” to my two boys (4 1/2 and 2) and have already found that life is different in many ways, but still the same.  I work longer hours and make less money, but now my titles include COO, CFO, VP, Creative Director, HR Manager, Head Chef, Marketing Manager . . . you get the picture.

My primary responsibility appears to be organizing.  Schedules. Activities. Meals. Playdates. Parties. Gear. Closets.  A never-ending list of To Do’s.  But it’s great!  I’ve discovered a renewed source of energy and an appreciation for the little things that I was missing while I was at the office.  My boys are hilarious and test my patience daily, but as Darius Rucker sings “it won’t be like this for long.”

And while I have all this “free” time, I am exploring my options. What is my next move?  What do I want to be when I grow up?

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A page from my own book, thanks for putting it into words. This is going to be great, a great start to something that is going to go far.
Love Alexis


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