
“Every job is done halfway. Then the other half is done.”

I just came across this post written by a fellow mom, Kathryn Thompson, and am feeling better about my own half-hearted attempts.

Sometimes my intentions just don’t reach fruition.

Some days I manage to cross a few items off of my To Do list; sometimes I’m super productive, but it seems like I don’t have enough hours in the day for my Want To Do list.  So many ideas and projects I’d like to work on, but I’m either out of time or out of energy (or both!!) once the kids are out the door or tucked in for the night.

Half Hearted Attempt

In Defense of Half-Hearted Attempts

The author says: “…people talk about doing a job halfway as being a negative thing. What gives? Every job is done halfway. Then the other half is done. And if you stop after the first half, that’s one half more than you would have completed if you’d never tried at all.”

Perhaps I’ll just set my sights on accomplishing half of what I want to do; odds are, once I start, I’ll finish!  Photo books?  Archiving kids’ art? Sewing projects? Train for a triathlon? So many options. . .

But first, I think I’ll go half-heartedly clean the kitchen and taste the blueberry scones I just made with my son.

blueberry scones

PS.  they are delicious!


Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways

While on vacation with my family last weekend, I managed to take another 200+ photos over four days.  Most of them are of my kids & husband, but many are photos of nature, animals, the sky, and other shots that I like to have as reminders of what we saw and did while away at the Ranch.

This weekly challenge was a perfect theme as I was trying to capture the various colors in the stormy skies.

Caught it before the rain began to fall!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Fresh
July 23, 2013, 1:22 pm
Filed under: 365, challenge, food, life, photography | Tags: , , , , ,

I’ve been busy with fun in the sun and missed the recent weekly photo challenges, but this one caught my attention.

So many photo options:  swimming in a lake, a newborn baby, a delicious-looking cocktail, muffins just out of the oven, but I chose these two:

What’s “fresh” in your life?

I am a Tough Mudder – now with video!

For those who don’t know . . . Tough Mudder events are “hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie.”  Check it out here:

And I did it!

Yes, 12 miles and 22 obstacles later, I crossed the finish line in Whistler, BC and am keen to go again!

If you know anything about my last year, I quit my VP sales job to stay home with my two boys and gave up running at the same time.  I started going to ballet again in January and have done 2 fitness events this year without any training (a Duathlon and a 10km trail run).  I didn’t train because I signed up the night before and wanted to “see if I can do it.”  Signing up for Tough Mudder was another challenge to my self.  Could I do it?  Would I be able to finish?  It was also an attempt to conquer my claustrophobic fears and tackle the panic I experience when I have to swim any real distance.

So my long-time friend and I signed up.  We had good intentions to train, but life got in the way.  Knowing I needed to, I sporadically practiced doing the monkey bars at my son’s school and was feeling pretty good that I was the only mommy who could do them (try it – they’re hard!).  My team-mate didn’t train either.  He had sinus surgery 3 weeks before the event and was not allowed to do any heavy-lifting or cardio.  We were both pretty nervous going into the event.

Luckily for us, the stars were aligned – our assigned start time was 8:30am, the weather was cooperative and we managed to get ourselves to the event site on time (along with 15,000 other Mudders-to-be).  Despite being in the mountains, it wasn’t too cold and it didn’t rain!  Bag check, snack, souvenir shopping, bathroom break and it was time to start, but to get to the Start line . . . we had to climb our first wall!

Once inside the starting gates, I soon realized that this was unlike any sporting event I had ever participated in; no longer was it me against other runners or even me against the clock.  Suddenly, the teams and groups of people became our allies and we were in it together.

Of all the obstacles, the ones I was most afraid of turned out to be tolerable!  I swam through slushy, muddy, ice water, forced myself to crawl through several (sometimes dark) tunnels, waded knee-deep in mud, crawled on my belly and hauled myself over walls.  I even survived the electric shocks.  The only obstacle that kicked my butt was the monkey bars which I knew was going to be tough.  At twice the distance I practiced and on an incline to the mid-point then a decline to the end; the monkey bars were the last real obstacle before running through the electric shocks.  After what seemed like an eternity trying to decide which hand to begin with, I started across.  About one-third of the way, my hand slipped and I lost momentum, but regained my grip only to slip off at the top – yes, I made it to the middle and then fell, splashing into the water below.

With the mud rinsed from my clothes, I caught my breath, joined my teammate and dodged electrical wires to cross the finish line where I received my coveted orange Tough Mudder headband and a complimentary beer.

Sure, I’d do it again; I might even train next time.


I recently made a video for a class I was taking and thought I’d share it here; please don’t judge my first attempt at video-editing!

Now are you motivated to try it?

Weekly Photo Challenge: The World Through Your Eyes

I love these weekly photo challenges.  Have a look at the world through my eyes.  Where does your eye go?


Weekly Photo Challenge: From Above

My take on the WordPress weekly photo challenge:  From Above

I hadn’t realized that I take so many pictures from above, but I love the view from up here. Family. Food. Feet.

Which one is your favorite?

It’s about time!

I’m a little behind on posting and have been getting some attitude about it.  Truth be told, I have 16 drafts started and a few that are almost ready to publish, but I’ve been busy.  I could name all sorts of reasons, but let’s just call it “life”. Time to get back on track.

My 39th birthday was in October; yes, it’s been four months, but a busy four months they were. This year, after my annual birthday resolutions were made,

Vision Board "39"

I also made a vision board to keep me focussed, but, I didn’t post my goals for all to see. If you’re new to my birthday resolutions, check out last year’s post: Happy Birthday To Me.

2013 Birthday Resolutions

To Do: a road bike event

To Have: a regular date night with my husband

To Be: clutter free

To Give: my undivided attention

To Learn:  how to use my digital camera settings

Happily, I can report that I’ve taken steps to help me achieve these goals.  We have interviewed new babysitters to watch the kids so my husband and I can  exercise and socialize together plus we have both registered for the 2013 Ride to Conquer Cancer in June. You can make a donation here:


To get more comfortable with my road bike, I am planning to do another Duathlon in March.  And to work toward being clutter free I am following a “declutter calendar” for the year which I stumbled upon  (

To give undivided attention is aimed at having more “quality” time with each of my kids and my husband as well as cutting back on multi-tasking.  Focus, focus, focus!  Which brings me to my camera; I haven’t yet made a formal plan here, but am confident I’ll get this one done, too!

Now, to check my 40 Before 40 list to see what other goals I can achieve this year!

Have any tips or advice you want to share?

Weekly Photo Challenge: My 2012 in Pictures

As a final post before the new year begins, I thought I’d participate in the weekly photo challenge of “my 2012 in pictures”.  As I looked back, I was surprised to see how much we travelled.  Not quite the same as before kids, mostly local trips, but still away from home somewhere almost every month!

I was also surprised by the number of photos of food I took this year – food that marked special occasions, vacations, birthdays, holidays, and class treats for school so I’ve decided to post those photos instead of our various trips.  Let me know what you think!

I am a Tough Mudder

For those who don’t know . . . Tough Mudder events are “hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie.”  Check it out here:

And I did it!

Yes, 12 miles and 22 obstacles later, I crossed the finish line in Whistler, BC and am keen to go again!

If you know anything about my last year, I quit my VP sales job to stay home with my two boys and gave up running at the same time.  I started going to ballet again in January and have done 2 fitness events this year without any training (a Duathlon and a 10km trail run).  I didn’t train because I signed up the night before and wanted to “see if I can do it.”  Signing up for Tough Mudder was another challenge to my self.  Could I do it?  Would I be able to finish?  It was also an attempt to conquer my claustrophobic fears and tackle the panic I experience when I have to swim any real distance.

So my long-time friend and I signed up.  We had good intentions to train, but life got in the way.  Knowing I needed to, I sporadically practiced doing the monkey bars at my son’s school and was feeling pretty good that I was the only mommy who could do them (try it – they’re hard!).  My team-mate didn’t train either.  He had sinus surgery 3 weeks before the event and was not allowed to do any heavy-lifting or cardio.  We were both pretty nervous going into the event.

Luckily for us, the stars were aligned – our assigned start time was 8:30am, the weather was cooperative and we managed to get ourselves to the event site on time (along with 15,000 other Mudders-to-be).  Despite being in the mountains, it wasn’t too cold and it didn’t rain!  Bag check, snack, souvenir shopping, bathroom break and it was time to start, but to get to the Start line . . . we had to climb our first wall!

Once inside the starting gates, I soon realized that this was unlike any sporting event I had ever participated in; no longer was it me against other runners or even me against the clock.  Suddenly, the teams and groups of people became our allies and we were in it together.

Of all the obstacles, the ones I was most afraid of turned out to be tolerable!  I swam through slushy, muddy, ice water, forced myself to crawl through several (sometimes dark) tunnels, waded knee-deep in mud, crawled on my belly and hauled myself over walls.  I even survived the electric shocks.  The only obstacle that kicked my butt was the monkey bars which I knew was going to be tough.  At twice the distance I practiced and on an incline to the mid-point then a decline to the end; the monkey bars were the last real obstacle before running through the electric shocks.  After what seemed like an eternity trying to decide which hand to begin with, I started across.  About one-third of the way, my hand slipped and I lost momentum, but regained my grip only to slip off at the top – yes, I made it to the middle and then fell, splashing into the water below.

With the mud rinsed from my clothes, I caught my breath, joined my teammate and dodged electrical wires to cross the finish line where I received my coveted orange Tough Mudder headband and a complimentary beer.

Sure, I’d do it again; I might even train next time.


“An attitude of gratitude brings opportunities.”

My thought for today as quoted from my Yogi tea bag.  I love it!

As part of my Happiness Project, I’ve been keeping a gratitude journal, but I’ve fallen behind.  So today, I am picking up the pen again.  It’s great to be reminded of how lucky I am and to keep things in perspective when I’m facing a challenge!

It really is the little things.  A hug from my boys, tea made by my husband, ballet class . . .some days I have so many moments that I want to remember, I don’t even get to write them all down.  But I do spend the day trying to be mindful and appreciative.

Of course, this doesn’t mean I’m cheerful and perky all day – my kids still don’t listen to me when I ask them to stop bugging each other, there are still terrible drivers everywhere and petty annoyances, but focussing on the best of the day seems to make it easier to forget the rest.

Yesterday . . . my dishwasher.  I am lucky to be able to turn it on when I go out and come home to clean dishes – allowing me to spend time with my family instead!

Today . . .  I’m grateful for a much-needed morning shower and clean hair!

And you??